Quota Billboard2024-09-27T10:34:22-07:00


Kim Matlak604-302-9366Lease out200 Placement HensOctober, MayOctober 8, 2024
Gary Both604-819-0800Sell23,377 Placement HensJuly, FebruaryOctober 15, 2024
Tony Bestebroer604-819-0467Sell34,304 Placement HensJune, October, FebruaryNovember 15, 2024
Last update: December 18, 2024

*Transfer assessment not deducted/added, where applicable.

Quota available for sale or lease is posted for a minimum of 14 days, and a maximum of 90 days. Please contact the individual listed directly for details, including price.


Is a company share transaction considered a quota transfer?2023-07-20T17:57:38-07:00

Answer: Yes!  If quota is held within a corporation, any share transactions (common or preferred shares) whether by way of issuance, redemption, share ownership changes, etc., are considered deemed quota transactions. All regular quota transfer rules apply, including transfer assessments.

You will be required to fill out the applicable quota transfer forms.

Please contact Commission staff well ahead of any proposed share reorganizations as these require Board approval.

Why is there no posted price for sale and lease on the Quota Billboard?2020-10-28T18:37:26-07:00

Answer: Producers set their price.  Please contact them directly for more information.

Am I a New Producer with access to the Buy-One, Lease-One – Get One (BLOGO) Bank?2020-10-28T18:37:45-07:00

Answer: Were you allotted Placement Quota via the New Producer Program and remain below minimum farm size?  If yes, you are eligible to access the BLOGO account.

Some considerations for this option:
a)  BLOGO is based on the expired/cancelled birds from other producers to fund it.  There is no guarantee that there will be birds available to you.
b)  If BLOGO birds are awarded to you, it is for one production year and cannot be guaranteed year-over-year.
c)  BLOGO is meant to assist you in reaching minimum farm size by providing you with some extra income.
d)  BLOGO will be matched 1:1 on your previous year's purchase(s) or lease-in(s), in order of date of sale or lease (first-come, first-serve basis).

When do the unplaceable hens expire?2023-07-20T17:56:46-07:00

Answer: Placement Timeline - Cancellation Date
2023 placements (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024) - cancellation June 30, 2024
2024 placements (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025) - cancellation June 30, 2025

Some considerations for this option:

a)  Producers can right-size their operations which may include quota sales or leasing out up to 10% of their quota (permitted once per quota cycle); or
b)  Producers can allow birds to expire (i.e., the Commission may redistribute the placeable hens).

Am I required to post if transferring quota within my business unit or changing the corporation name?2020-10-28T18:37:55-07:00

Answer: No, proposed transactions that do not result in a change in the ownership or for a name change do not require posting on the Quota Billboard as no quota is being sold outside the business unit.  Producers are still required to fill out a Quota Transfer form and forward the supporting documents.

When can I post to the Quota Billboard?2023-07-20T17:46:37-07:00

Answer: At any time!  Producers can send their information to staff now for posting on the Billboard immediately.  The Quota Billboard is a virtual listing of all the quota currently for sale or lease.  It is posted on the public side of the website and ensures that staff is aware of quota movement and that all producers have a chance to consider all the options.

Some considerations for this option:
a)  Please ensure staff knows all the required details of your post.  This should include:
- Your name
- Your preferred contact (email or mobile number)
- Clarification that quota is for sale or lease
- The amount of quota
- Your current placement 'dates'
b)  This post must be up for a minimum of 14 days and is subject to production planning and expires after 90 days.
c)  Posting must be made by June 1 of each year to ensure you reach the amount of time required and staff can do the appropriate production planning.
d)  Posting is not mandatory for those looking to purchase or lease-in, but is encouraged.

Can I lease out the unplaceable birds that I have due to the increase in utilization?2023-08-01T09:44:15-07:00

Answer: Yes, the Commission is allowing you to lease out the unplaceable birds for the duration of the transition period.  This will give producers time to make decisions on building to increase their capacity.

Some considerations for this option:
a)  All potential quota leases must be posted to an industry Quota Billboard (above).  Your name, phone number or email, the amount of quota for lease and your placement dates must be included.  The quota must be posted for a minimum of 14 days.
b)  Unplaceable hens will expire annually and are not eligible to be carried over into the following year.  Birds not placed will be cancelled and put into the BLOGO Bank for New Producers to use up on a first-come, first-serve basis.
c)  All leases are subject to the Quota Lease Checklist and the appropriate production planning conducted by the Commission staff.
d)  Leases must meet all the Permissible Lease and Quota Transfer criteria of the Consolidated Order (e.g.: "Quota so leased or licensed does not exceed 10% of the Transferor’s total allotment of Quota"; "No Producer may Transfer Quota by way of lease or licence for a term exceeding two years, and any such Quota so leased or licensed is subject to cancellation by the Commission"; "Unless the Commission otherwise consents in writing, no Producer may Transfer Quota by way of a Permissible Lease within one year from the date that such Producer last Transferred Quota by way of a Permissible Lease.")

Consolidated Order references:

  • PART I - INTRODUCTORY - Interpretation, section 2, "Permissible Lease"
  • PART III - ALLOTMENT AND REGISTRATION OF PLACEMENT QUOTA - Allotment of Quota, section 8(2)(c)
  • PART IV - TRANSFER AND LEASE OF PLACEMENT QUOTA - Limitations on Transfer of Quota, section 17.
Can I sell quota to make room for the increased utilization?2020-10-28T18:38:10-07:00

Answer: Yes, because the increase is utilization and not growth quota you can currently sell your quota to make room.

Some considerations for this option:
a)  The 5% assessment is still in place as the Commission is still considering the development of the quota rules as per BCFIRB's February 2, 2018 Quota Assessment Tools Supervisory Review (QATSR) decision.
b)  Utilization may move up or down with the required allocation across Canada.
c)  All potential quota sales must be posted to an industry Quota Billboard (above).  Your name, phone number or email, the amount of quota for sale and your placement dates must be included.  The quota must be posted for a minimum of 14 days.
d)  Unplaceable hens will expire annually and are not eligible to be carried over into the following year.
e)  All sales are subject to the Quota Transfer Checklist and the appropriate production planning conducted by Commission staff.

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